Hello USA customers!

As of February 2025 USPS has recently become much stricter about address accuracy, and we want to make sure your orders arrive smoothly and on time. To avoid any delays or issues with delivery, please double-check that you’re entering your address correctly at checkout.

For example, an incorrect address might look like this:
789 First Avenue, Los Angeles CA (needs to use the abbreviation 'Ave' to be recognised)
39 East 2nd Street, New York, NY (needs to use the abbreviation ‘E’ for ‘East’ and ‘St’ for Street to be recognised)


A corrected address would be:
789 First Ave, Los Angeles CA
Or: 39 E 2nd St, New York, NY

Even small mistakes can lead to returned packages or significant delays. To help with this, you can use the USPS address checker to verify your address before placing an order: USPS Address Lookup.

Thank you for helping us ensure a smooth and timely delivery!